Wyndow Books

Wyndow Books publishes books by Bronwyn Rodden, an Australian author, winner of the Patricia Hackett Prize for Short Fiction. Her collection of stories, 'Short Fiction for an Absurd World' was a finalist in the Eric Hoffer Award for General Fiction (US) and another, 'Darkness' was shortlisted for the Carmel Bird Award for Short Fiction. 'The Crushers' was selected for the Hachette Novel Manuscript Retreat. A selection of her poetry has been published in the new International Anthology of Surrealist and Magical Realist Poetry (US).

Bronwyn Rodden was born in Sydney and has travelled widely and lived in regional Australia. She completed an MA Writing (UTS) and was awarded an Emerging Writer Grant by the Australia Council for the Arts, and a residency at the Writers' Cottage, Bundanon. 

Her work is available in good bookstores, and internationally on Amazon. Click on images below twice to be redirected to purchase page.

Amazon US Amazon Australia Dymocks Megalong Books Leura  

E: wyndowbooks@gmail.com


To see Bronwyn's images of the Blue Mountains World Heritage Environment and Art Deco architecture, see her website: https://sites.google.com/site/bronwynrodden

Books by Bronwyn Rodden: Fiction

Reviews from US Review of Books

The Crushers

“Rodden encapsulates well what life is like for those living in the vast mountainous landscape, with vivid descriptions of the physical surroundings as seen through the eyes of a newcomer as well as the tales from a time long ago kept alive by the town’s elders. Readers will race to the finish of this captivating thriller as Rodden gives them all they can handle in her debut novel.”

Orphan Rock:

“Well written with appropriate dialogue, this mystery novel will engage the reader through its realistic storyline as well as its clever take on policing and on prejudices, all of which will keep the reader guessing as to who murdered Jack.”

Short Fiction for an Absurd World

“this is creative writing for the creative writer at its best: It's challenging, inspirational, and nearly impossible to predict.”

Review on Tumblr

The Moon and The Sea

“Infused with the beauty and mystery of exotic places, Rodden’s adventure brings to life a startling female pirate with a story to tell. Subversive and rebellious, Anne’s voice and her actions will stay with the reader long after her story ends.”


A selection of poetry, some published in literary journals in Australia and the UK. Bronwyn was selected for the first Scarp/UW New Poets Program. This includes Fire Days, drawn from a journal she wrote while working at a firefighting headquarters with NPWS. 

US Review of Books: review by Jonah Meyer

A good many of these poems are quite charming. Those detailing the poet’s experiences working the front lines in battling bushfires are exquisite—perhaps the strongest selections found among these one hundred pages. Rodden’s strength as a poet and storyteller seems driven by a blending of both her wealth of lived experiences and the fashion in which her material is masterly crafted into slice-of-life poems, presented casually and intelligently. Fanciness is not sought for the sake of fanciness. Rather, it seems this poet exudes a natural ease of style, flowing from narrative poems simply through their telling. After reading and then re-reading the pleasurable poems collected within this volume, an immediate impulse—reflecting well upon Rodden’s poetic talent—is to seek out additional work (both poetry and prose) by the author. A taste of these poems delights, and readers will hope there is more material on the horizon.

RECOMMENDED by the US Review

Wonderful to be included in the new Contemporary Surrealist and Magical Realist Poetry from Lamar University, Prof. Jonas Zdanys editor. 


I was inspired to read a few lines while visiting the Tate Gallery London's exhibition 'Surrealism Beyond Borders'. www.youtube.com/shorts/AcJDuK9QM5U 

Anthologies with work by Bronwyn Rodden